Nourishing Energy Acupuncture

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Thinking about the Fourth Trimester and its importance.

The decision to start a family, we all know, is a big deal. Most of us know, at least I hope we know, that once you start that journey life will never be the same. From trying to get pregnant, a whole trip in itself, to pregnancy, a rollercoaster ride, and then delivery exciting and scary, the whole journey is one giant ball of decisions and things to think about. It is overwhelming. So, I understand giving you more to think about is maybe not that exciting or welcome but I want to get families thinking about pregnancy in terms of four trimester’s not three because it is just as important as the first three trimesters of pregnancy. A lot of emphasis is placed on having a healthy pregnancy and deliver (all very important) but remembering the postpartum trimester is SO important as well.

The fourth trimester, is often referred to as the postpartum period, is a crucial phase for mama, papas and the newborn as they transition and adapt to their new roles. This period, which spans from birth to three months of age, is marked by significant changes and challenges. The mama's body undergoes a process of recovery from pregnancy and childbirth, while everyone is also working to establish routines and bonds. It is a time of immense physical, emotional, and psychological adjustment for the mama as she journeys through healing, manages hormonal fluctuations, and tends to the demands of caring for a newborn. Partners are tasked with trying to emotionally support their new family, find their place, perhaps be financial stability and adjusting to new relationship dynamics. Concurrently, it is a critical phase for the infant's development as they adapt to life outside the womb and depend on the constant care and nourishment provided by their families. Supporting women and partners during the fourth trimester with nurturing care, rest, proper nutrition, and emotional support is vital for their well-being. This support sets the stage for a healthy postpartum recovery and a successful breastfeeding journey.

It is also important to remember that the fourth trimester is still a delicate and healing time where there can be health complications. Being sure to understand what these complications can be is important so make sure to have a conversation with you doctor or midwives about what to lookout for once baby comes. Knowing the signs of mental health complications or physical complications can be life saving. According to the cdc,

“The majority of pregnancy-related deaths were preventable, highlighting the need for quality improvement initiatives in states, hospitals, and communities that ensure all people who are pregnant or postpartum get the right care at the right time.”

So when starting your family lets start thinking about four phases of care, each one just as important as the next!

Fertility-pregnancy-deliver- postpartum!