What do those codes on stickers of fruits & veggies mean?

My friend and colleague Katherine Altneu, owner of The Point Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine, wrote a really nice little bog about the codes and sticker on fruits and veggies. I wanted to share it with you guys. I don't know about you but we live in a day and age where it feels almost daunting to go grocery shopping anymore. Is it really organic? What is this or that ingredient? Where was it sourced from? Is it GMO? Is it killing the rainforest and the bees? On and on and on.....until finally screw it you buy what you hope is the best. So it is nice to find things like this blog that can help us take a bit more of the guesswork out of things. 

Click here to read her blog post called: What do those codes on stickers of fruits & veggies mean?


Thanks Katie for your knowledge and understanding.